How to Kill Best Man Funny Speech Nerves!
So, you're the best man at a friend or family members' wedding! It's an honour to be asked but it comes with a huge responsibility, and the most nerve wracking one can be your best man funny speech!
It's your duty to be entertaining and to deliver a speech that's memorable for all the right reasons - but if you're too nervous the chances are you can end up looking like an idiot. So just how do we prevent that from happening?
I've had many years' experience of public speaking, as well as playing in bands in front of large crowds of people - I was always a little nervous but the main thing that stopped me from completely going to pieces was the fact that I prepared well for the big event. In a nutshell, I made sure I learned my lines (or guitar parts!) as best I could, so that I knew that if things started going wrong, I at least knew my subject well and I could stay on track and keep my audience entertained.
I also laid off the alcohol until after the performance - this works because it helps you to focus and concentrate on the task in hand, as well as preventing you from making a fool of yourself and causing an embarrassment in front of the family. It's much easier to entertain an audience when your head is together and you can think straight.
So now you know a couple of way to stop yourself from falling apart with nerves before your best man funny speech, it's time to start collecting funny material and anecdotes so you can put a fantastic performance together!
It's your duty to be entertaining and to deliver a speech that's memorable for all the right reasons - but if you're too nervous the chances are you can end up looking like an idiot. So just how do we prevent that from happening?
I've had many years' experience of public speaking, as well as playing in bands in front of large crowds of people - I was always a little nervous but the main thing that stopped me from completely going to pieces was the fact that I prepared well for the big event. In a nutshell, I made sure I learned my lines (or guitar parts!) as best I could, so that I knew that if things started going wrong, I at least knew my subject well and I could stay on track and keep my audience entertained.
I also laid off the alcohol until after the performance - this works because it helps you to focus and concentrate on the task in hand, as well as preventing you from making a fool of yourself and causing an embarrassment in front of the family. It's much easier to entertain an audience when your head is together and you can think straight.
So now you know a couple of way to stop yourself from falling apart with nerves before your best man funny speech, it's time to start collecting funny material and anecdotes so you can put a fantastic performance together!
9:30 AM | Was this helpful? |

Bachelorette Ideas Should Center Around Personality
When you think about planning the perfect bachelorette party, first and foremost think of your bachelorette. While certainly you want to do an outstanding job, it's not you that needs the spotlight, rather the bachelorette, the woman of the evening. After all, this will be the prelude to the most important day of her life, so take this opportunity to create a memorable bachelorette party, one that will live in her memory for years to come.
There are a multitude of bachelorette ideas and whether you choose something extreme or more traditional will depend on you, your budget, and most particularly, your good friend the bachelorette.
Over the years when someone thought of a bachelorette party, they'd imagine X-rated bars, limo rides, and girls having a wild time, however that need not be the case. Essentially what you're doing is honoring your friend, not just giving her a last night single, but showing that you care, that you wish her well now and into the future.
The bachelorette ideas range the gamut, from having a night at the spa, dining at a great restaurant, going camping, invading a theme park, buying male blowup dolls, hiring a role-playing male stripper, enjoying a night at the casino, dressing up as Southern belles and parading down Main Street.
There is really no limit to what you can do for a great bachelorette party, and the bachelorette ideas are almost too numerous to mention, but since I'm a writer, I've got to least try.
I won't be discussing how to have a good time at a male strip club, you're on your own for that, but if you'd like to do something just a little bit different, how about a bachelorette roast?
If you're the maid of honor you've probably known the bachelorette for years, possibly since childhood; and you probably participated in many enjoyable (or funny) memories, this is your opportunity to open that time capsule and spread the love.
There are a multitude of bachelorette ideas and whether you choose something extreme or more traditional will depend on you, your budget, and most particularly, your good friend the bachelorette.
Over the years when someone thought of a bachelorette party, they'd imagine X-rated bars, limo rides, and girls having a wild time, however that need not be the case. Essentially what you're doing is honoring your friend, not just giving her a last night single, but showing that you care, that you wish her well now and into the future.
The bachelorette ideas range the gamut, from having a night at the spa, dining at a great restaurant, going camping, invading a theme park, buying male blowup dolls, hiring a role-playing male stripper, enjoying a night at the casino, dressing up as Southern belles and parading down Main Street.
There is really no limit to what you can do for a great bachelorette party, and the bachelorette ideas are almost too numerous to mention, but since I'm a writer, I've got to least try.
I won't be discussing how to have a good time at a male strip club, you're on your own for that, but if you'd like to do something just a little bit different, how about a bachelorette roast?
If you're the maid of honor you've probably known the bachelorette for years, possibly since childhood; and you probably participated in many enjoyable (or funny) memories, this is your opportunity to open that time capsule and spread the love.
9:30 AM | Was this helpful? |

Soccer Moms and Part -time Jobs
Many soccer moms take on part-time jobs such as selling cosmetics, women's under-things, greeting cards, gift wrap and home décor items in addition to fancy homemade soups, candies and gourmet premade meals.
These part-time jobs usually require passing around a catalog of the items which can be done while the kids are playing soccer and the soccer moms are sitting on the sidelines; or, throwing a 'sales' party in which you invite all the other soccer moms over to a demonstration of the products or a taste test so they can see and experience the wonders of the products themselves before purchasing from you. Many opportunities for soccer moms can be found in the different areas and products that offer selling items from your home or home parties. Candles, cookbooks, homemade soaps and candles, photo albums - scrapbooking and intimate apparel are just a few of the unique items soccer moms are selling from parties held by other soccer moms.
Custom draperies, teaching toys, art deco décor, fitness equipment and routines, unique gifts, decorative stationary and writing implements, and tools for women such as hammers, screwdrivers and wrenches all in bright colors just for her. These unique items not only help the other soccer moms, it helps the self esteem of the soccer mom who is selling the items.
Selling unique items or making their own money gives soccer moms the confidence they may have been lacking because their lives have been so wrapped up in taking care of their families, now they have the opportunity to do something for themselves. By taking on a part-time job selling something, they are giving themselves permission to succeed and make a contribution to the household income. Making their own income or helping out with the family finances gives the soccer mom more self esteem and this in turn helps her to be a better person and then everyone benefits from this transformation.
Selling cosmetics, candles, handmade soaps and body oils or beauty products, women's intimate wear and women's exclusive tools for fixing things around the house can help a soccer mom with the monthly budget and her self worth. She is no longer so and so's mom, she is herself a valued person in her own right and can contribute to the financial needs of the house and her children. A soccer mom is more than just a soccer mom, she can be an entrepreneur with her own business and help make things happen that otherwise would be unattainable like a family vacation or purchasing another vehicle the family needs.
About the Author
Visha Lopez also writes career articles for soccer moms. Read her article about Sports Leagues for Soccer Moms
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These part-time jobs usually require passing around a catalog of the items which can be done while the kids are playing soccer and the soccer moms are sitting on the sidelines; or, throwing a 'sales' party in which you invite all the other soccer moms over to a demonstration of the products or a taste test so they can see and experience the wonders of the products themselves before purchasing from you. Many opportunities for soccer moms can be found in the different areas and products that offer selling items from your home or home parties. Candles, cookbooks, homemade soaps and candles, photo albums - scrapbooking and intimate apparel are just a few of the unique items soccer moms are selling from parties held by other soccer moms.
Custom draperies, teaching toys, art deco décor, fitness equipment and routines, unique gifts, decorative stationary and writing implements, and tools for women such as hammers, screwdrivers and wrenches all in bright colors just for her. These unique items not only help the other soccer moms, it helps the self esteem of the soccer mom who is selling the items.
Selling unique items or making their own money gives soccer moms the confidence they may have been lacking because their lives have been so wrapped up in taking care of their families, now they have the opportunity to do something for themselves. By taking on a part-time job selling something, they are giving themselves permission to succeed and make a contribution to the household income. Making their own income or helping out with the family finances gives the soccer mom more self esteem and this in turn helps her to be a better person and then everyone benefits from this transformation.
Selling cosmetics, candles, handmade soaps and body oils or beauty products, women's intimate wear and women's exclusive tools for fixing things around the house can help a soccer mom with the monthly budget and her self worth. She is no longer so and so's mom, she is herself a valued person in her own right and can contribute to the financial needs of the house and her children. A soccer mom is more than just a soccer mom, she can be an entrepreneur with her own business and help make things happen that otherwise would be unattainable like a family vacation or purchasing another vehicle the family needs.
About the Author
Visha Lopez also writes career articles for soccer moms. Read her article about Sports Leagues for Soccer Moms
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A Modern Stationery Company
Stationery and greeting cards seem like small details, but they're really a big part of most parties. From the invitations, to announcements, to thank you notes, sooner or later you're going to need to send a message to your friends. Tiny Prints is a fairly new company in this industry (just a little over four years old), but their creative, modern designs caught my attention. Learn more about what they have to offer in this review of Tiny Prints.
Photo © Tiny Prints
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Discount Authentic Gucci Handbags
Finding authentic Gucci handbags can be quite a difficult thing online. Most offer big discounts and claim they offer authentic merchandise. Some of these companies are completely honest and do offer authentic products at great discounts. There are others that are trying to pedal replicas for something authentic. So, how do you determine which companies are legitimate?
Gucci handbags are probably one of the most sought after designer bags out there. For this reason the competition can be fierce. Some companies have resorted to selling replicas. But what if you are just looking for a good deal? Is there such a thing? Can you find an discounted authentic Gucci handbag? The answer is yes. Often retail stores that do not sell the handbags they have will in turn sell them to wholesaler. This is because they need to rotate their inventory constantly. Other companies then buy them and sell them at a discount. These online stores can offer them much cheaper because they do not have nearly the overhead costs of a store front retail store. These online companies do not have to pay for rent, payroll, displays, insurance and etc. Therefore they sell them at a big discount. How do you separate the authentic Gucci handbag online store from the fake?
One thing to look for when searching for a company selling authentic Gucci handbags is what models they offer. If the company is offering that very hard to find handbag at a huge discount it is unlikely they are legitimate. Why would they offer something at a discount that they could easily get for full retail value? This is a big tip off. Usually a company that buys handbags and sells them at a discount is buying them from stores that did not sell the handbags in the first place.
Another thing to look for in the company is simply asking yourself are they real? Do they have an about us page that clearly states who they really are? Do they have an email address and phone number if you need to call them? Does the about us page tell you anything about them? Where are they located? If a company is located overseas this sometimes is a tip off that they may not be legitimate
If the information is available, look into who runs the company. Are they up front with who is behind the website or is it shrouded in mystery? The bottom line is do you think they look real?
Finally look for a return policy. Do they guarantee the products they sell? A
Gucci handbags are probably one of the most sought after designer bags out there. For this reason the competition can be fierce. Some companies have resorted to selling replicas. But what if you are just looking for a good deal? Is there such a thing? Can you find an discounted authentic Gucci handbag? The answer is yes. Often retail stores that do not sell the handbags they have will in turn sell them to wholesaler. This is because they need to rotate their inventory constantly. Other companies then buy them and sell them at a discount. These online stores can offer them much cheaper because they do not have nearly the overhead costs of a store front retail store. These online companies do not have to pay for rent, payroll, displays, insurance and etc. Therefore they sell them at a big discount. How do you separate the authentic Gucci handbag online store from the fake?
One thing to look for when searching for a company selling authentic Gucci handbags is what models they offer. If the company is offering that very hard to find handbag at a huge discount it is unlikely they are legitimate. Why would they offer something at a discount that they could easily get for full retail value? This is a big tip off. Usually a company that buys handbags and sells them at a discount is buying them from stores that did not sell the handbags in the first place.
Another thing to look for in the company is simply asking yourself are they real? Do they have an about us page that clearly states who they really are? Do they have an email address and phone number if you need to call them? Does the about us page tell you anything about them? Where are they located? If a company is located overseas this sometimes is a tip off that they may not be legitimate
If the information is available, look into who runs the company. Are they up front with who is behind the website or is it shrouded in mystery? The bottom line is do you think they look real?
Finally look for a return policy. Do they guarantee the products they sell? A
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